K.S.G IN THE WORLD: About Nepal

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Showing posts with label About Nepal. Show all posts

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

विश्व सम्पदा सूचीमा परेका नेपालका सम्पदाहरुकाे सङ्क्षिप्त परिचय(A Brief Introduction to the World Heritage Sites in Nepal)

June 09, 2020 0
विश्व सम्पदा सूचीमा परेका नेपालका सम्पदाहरुकाे सङ्क्षिप्त परिचय(A Brief Introduction to the World Heritage Sites in Nepal)

विश्व सम्पदा सूचीमा परेका नेपालका सम्पदाहरुकाे सङ्क्षिप्त परिचय

लुम्बिनी:- लुम्बिनी गाैतम बुद्धकाे जन्मस्थल हो । यो  विश्वभरका बाैद्धमार्गीहरुकाे ठूलाे तीर्थस्थलका रुपमा परिचित छ । यहाँ ई.पू. २४५ मा सम्राट अशाेकद्वारा स्थापना गरिएको अशोक स्तम्भ रहेकाे छ । पुष्करिणी पाेखरी र मायादेवी मन्दिर पनि यहाँ अवस्थित छन् । सन् १९७० मा नेपाललगायत १३ विभिन्न राष्ट्रद्वारा स्तूप, विहार अादि निर्माण गरिएका छन् । चीन, म्यान्मार, जापान, भियतनाम, दक्षिण काेरिया, भारत, थाइल्यान्ड, फ्रान्स, जर्मनी अादि धेरै देशहरुले बाैद्ध विहार निमार्ण गरेका छन् । यहाँ पुस्तकालय, म्युजियम, अन्वेषण केन्द्र अादि पनि रहेका छन ।

पशुपति क्षेत्र:- यो  हिन्दुहरुकाे पवित्र तीर्थस्थल हाे । यस क्षेत्रमा पशुपतिनाथकाे मन्दिरलगायत देउपाटन, जयवागेश्वरी, गाैरीघाट, कुटम्बहाल, गाैशाला, पिङ्गलाथान, श्लेष्मान्तक वनको अासपासकाे क्षेत्र पर्दछ । यहाँ करिब ४९२ अाेटा विभिन्न शैलीमा निर्माण भएका मन्दिर, सतल, चैत्य, देवालय अादि छन् भने लगभग एकहजार शिवलिङग रहेका छन ।
पशुपतिनाथकाे मन्दिरकाे बारेमा रहस्यकाे कुराहरु तलको भिडियाेमा 

सगरमाथा राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज:- कुल १,१४८ वर्ग किलोमिटर क्षेत्रफलमा फैलिएको यस राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्जभित्र विश्वकाे सर्वाेच्च शिखर सगरमाथालगायत ल्हाेत्से, चाेयु, नुप्त्से,पुमाेरी, अामादब्लम अादि हिमशिखरहरु र त्यस क्षेत्रमा पर्ने बस्तीहरुसमेत पर्दछन् । यस क्षेत्रमा गुराँस, धुपी, भाेजपत्र अादि वनस्पतिहरु र कस्तुरी, भालु, न्याउरी मुसा, हिउँचितुवा, डाँफे अादि जीवजन्तूहरु पाइन्छ ।

चितवन राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज:- ९३२ वर्ग कि.मि क्षेत्रफलमा फैलिएको याे राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज विश्वमा नै दुलर्भ मानिएको एक सिङ्गे गैँडाका लागि प्रख्यात छ ।
चितवन राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्जमा पाईने एक सिङ्गो गाैडाँ
महत्त्वपूर्ण पर्यटक स्थलका रुपमा परिचित यश निकुञ्जमा हात्ती, गाही, पाटेबाघ,सालक , धनेस, मयूर अादि जीवजन्तू रहेको छ।
हनुमानढोका दरबार क्षेत्र:- काठमाडौमा रहेको याे दरबार क्षेत्रकाे नाम प्रताप मल्लले हनुमानकाे मूर्ति स्थापना गरेपछि हनुमानढाेका दरबार रहेको भनाइ छ । यस क्षेत्रमा विभिन्न प्रकारका वास्तुकलाकाे नमुना देख्न पाइन्छ । दरबार साथै यस क्षेत्रमा हनुमानकाे मूर्ति, वसन्तपुर दरबार, तलेजु मन्दिर, सङग्रालय, कुमारी घर, काष्ठमण्डप, ठूलो घण्टा र नगरा अादि प्राचीन सम्पदाहरु यश क्षेत्रमा रहेका छन् ।
वसन्तपुर दरबार क्षेत्र 

बाैद्धनाथ महाचैत्य:- बाैद्धमार्गीहरुकाे पवित्र तीर्थस्थलका रुपमा चिनिने यो स्तुपा काठमाडौमा रहेको  छ  । यश स्तूपकाे निर्माण पाँचौ शताब्दीतिर भएको विश्वास गरिन्छ । यस क्षेत्रमा अन्य ४५ भन्दा बढी बाैद्ध विहारहरु रहेका छन् ।

पाटन दरबार क्षेत्र:- मल्लकालीन राजाहरुकाे दरबारका रुपमा रहेको याे क्षेत्र ललितपुर जिल्लामा पर्दछ । यस क्षेत्रमा कृष्ण मन्दिर, भीमसेन मन्दिर, विश्वनाथ मन्दिर, जगतनारायण मन्दिर, याेगनरेन्द्र मल्लको मूर्ति, महाबाैद्ध, कुम्भेश्वर महादेव, राताे मच्छिन्द्रनाथ मन्दिर अादि छन्
पाटन दरबार क्षेत्र 

भक्तपुर दरबार क्षेत्र:- भक्तपुरका मल्लराजाहरुकाे दरबारका रुपमा रहेको याे क्षेत्र भक्तपुर जिल्लामा पर्दछ । न्यातपाेल मन्दिर, पचपन्न झ्याले दरबार, भूपतीन्द्र मल्लले शालिक, राष्ट्रिय कला सङग्रालय, संवरणद्वार अादि सम्पदाहरु यस क्षेत्रमा रहेका छन ।
भक्तपुर दरबार क्षेत्र 

चाँगुनारायण मन्दिर:- भक्तपुर जिल्लामा रहेकाे याे मन्दिर राजा मादेवकाे पालामा बनेको हो । प्यागाेडा शैलिमा निमार्ण भएको यश मन्दिर परिसरभित्र पाँचौं शताब्दीमा कुँदिएका शिलालेख, ढुङ्गा, काठ र धातुकलाका उत्कृष्ट नमुनाहरु पनि रहेका छन् ।
चाँगुनारायण थान

स्वयम्भू स्तूप:-बाैद्धमार्गीहरुकाे पवित्र धार्मिक स्थल मानिने स्वयम्भूनाथ काठमाडौं जिल्लामा रहेको छ । यस परिसरमा हालसालै नेपालमै सबैभन्दा ठूलो बुद्धकाे मूर्ति बनाइएको छ ।
यसका साथै अन्य विभिन्न मन्दिर, स्तूप र मूर्तिहरु पनि रहेका छन् । धार्मिक सहिष्णुताकाे नमुनाका रुपमा यस परिसरभित्र हिन्दु धर्मावलम्बीहरुले मान्ने सरस्वतीकाे मन्दिर पनि रहेकाे छ।

विश्व सम्पदा सूचीमा परेका बाहेक हाम्रो देशको विभिन्न ठाउँमा छरिएर रहेका अन्य प्राकृतिक र सांस्कृतिक सम्पदाहरु पनि छन् । जस्तै: बर्दिया राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज, शिवपुरी राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज, खाेटाङकाे हलेसी महादेव, प्युठानकाे स्वर्गद्वारी, रसुवाको गाेसाईँकुण्ड, बाग्लुङकाे कालिका, पाेखराकाे तालबाराही र विन्ध्यवासिनी, धनकुटाकाे छिन्ताङदेवी, ताप्लेजुङको पाथिभरा, मुस्ताङको मुक्तिनाथ, जनकपुरकाे रामजानकी मन्दिर, नेपालगन्जकाे जयवागेश्वरी, जुम्लाको चन्दननाथ अादि केही उदाहरण हुन् ।
English Translation:-

A Brief Introduction to the World Heritage Sites in Nepal

Lumbini: -
Lumbini is the birthplace of Gautama Buddha. It is known as the largest pilgrimage site for pilgrims from all over the world. Here BC There is an Ashoka Pillar established by Emperor Ashek in 245 AD. Pushkarini Paekhari and Mayadevi temples are also located here. In 1970, stupas, monasteries, etc. were built by 13 different countries including Nepal. Many countries like China, Myanmar, Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, India, Thailand, France, Germany, etc. have built monasteries. There are also libraries, museums, research centers, etc.

Pashupati area: - This is a holy place of pilgrimage for Hindus. This area includes the temples of Pashupatinath, Deupatan, Jayawageshwari, Garighat, Kutambahal, Gaishala, Pingalathan and the area around the Shlesmantak forest. There are about 492 temples, satals, chaityas, temples etc.
Pasupatinath Temple
built in different styles and there are about one thousand Shivalingas.
Mount Everest National Park: Spread over a total area of ​​1,148 square kilometers, this national park includes the world's highest peaks including Mount Everest, Lhatse, Chayu, Nuptse, Pumari, Amadablum etc. and the settlements in the area.
Sagarmatha National Park
In this area, Guran, Dhupi, Vejpatra and other plants and animals like musk, bear, Newari mouse, snow leopard, scarecrow etc. are found.
Chitwan National Park:- spread over an area of ​​932 sq km, this national park is famous for its one-horned rhinoceros which is considered to be rare in the world. Known as an important tourist destination, Yash Park is home to elephants, cows, tigers, carp, cormorants, peacocks and other animals.
Chitwan National Park
Hanumandhoka Durbar Area: - The name of this Durbar area in Kathmandu is said to be Hanumandhoka Durbar after Pratap Malla installed a statue of Hanuman. Samples of different types of architecture can be seen in this area. In addition to the palace, the region also has statues of Hanuman, Basantapur Durbar, Taleju Temple, Museum, Kumari Ghar, Wood Mandap, Thulo Ghanta and Nagara.
Hanumandhoka Durbar Area

Boidhanath Mahachaitya: - This stupa, known as the holy place of pilgrimage of Baidhanmargis, is located in Kathmandu. The Yash Stupa is believed to have been built around the 5th century. There are more than 45 other monasteries in the area.
Patan Durbar Area: - This area which is the palace of Mallakalin kings belongs to Lalitpur district.
Patan Durbar Area
In this area there are Krishna temple, Bhimsen temple, Vishwanath temple, Jagat Narayan temple, idol of Yaganrendra Malla, Mahabaiddha, Kumbheshwar Mahadev, Ratae Machhindranath temple etc.
Bhaktapur Durbar Area: - This area, which is the palace of the Malla kings of Bhaktapur, belongs to Bhaktapur district. The Nyatpail Temple, Pachpanna Jyale Durbar, Bhupatindra Malle Statue, National Art Museum, Sanwaranadwar etc. are among the heritages in this area.
Bhaktapur Durbar Area

Changunarayan Temple: - This temple in Bhaktapur district was built during the reign of King Madev. Built in the style of a pagoda, the Yash Temple complex is home to some of the finest examples of 5th century carvings, stone, wood and metal art.
changunarayan temple 
Swayambhu Stupa: - Swayambhu Nath is considered to be the holy religious site of Baidhmargis in Kathmandu district. The largest Buddha statue in Nepal has recently been erected in this complex.
There are also various other temples, stupas and idols. As a model of religious tolerance, there is also a Hindu temple of Saraswati in the area.

Apart from being included in the World Heritage List, there are other natural and cultural heritages scattered in different parts of our country. For example: Bardia National Park, Shivpuri National Park, Haeti Mahadev of Khaetang, Swargadwari of Pyuthan, Gasainkund of Rasuwa, Kalika of Baglung, Talbarahi and Vindhyavasini of Paekhara, Chhinangadevi of Dhankuta, Ram of Nepaljung, Pathibhara of Taplejung.

written by K.S G

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

राणाशासनकाे उदय र पतनका कारणहरु(Reasons for the rise and fall of the Rana regime)

June 02, 2020 0
राणाशासनकाे उदय र पतनका कारणहरु(Reasons for the rise and fall of the Rana regime)

राणाशासनकाे उदय

१.नेपालीको अस्थिर राजनीति
पृथ्वीनारायण शाहको मृत्युुपछि उनका छाेरा प्रतापसिंह शाह राजा भए तर २ वर्ष ९ महिना शासन गरेपछि उनको मृत्यु भयो र उनका छाेरा रणबहादुर शाह तीन वर्षको उमेरमा राजा भए । यसपछि नेपालमा अस्थिर राजनीति सुरु भयो ।
२.हत्याको शृङ्खला
माथवरसिंह थापाको हत्यापछि फत्तेजङ चाैतरिया प्रधानमन्त्री भए तापनि दरबारमा रानी राज्यलक्ष्मीका प्रिय पात्र गगनसिंह प्रभावशाली थिए । वि.सं. १९०३ भदौ ३१ गते राति गगनसिंहकाे पनि अचानक हत्या भएपछि त्यसै रात उनकाे हत्यारा पत्ता लगाउने निहुँमा काेतमा भेला भएका अधिकांश भारदारहरुकाे हत्या भयो । यसलाई काेतपर्व भनिन्छ ।
३. तीन पर्वहरु
सर्वप्रथम काेतपर्व भयाे । यसबाट जङ्गबहादुर नेपालका प्रधानमन्त्री र प्रधान सेनापति भए । यसपछि वि.सं. १९०३ कात्तिक १७ गते भण्डार खाल पर्व भयाे । यस पर्वबाट जङ्गबहादुरले राजा राजेन्द्र रानी राज्यलक्ष्मीलाई देशनिकाला गरे । यसपछि भएको अलाै पर्वबाट जङ्गबहादुरले राजा राजेन्द्रलाई राजगद्दीविरुद्ध क्रियाकलाप गरेको दाेष लगाई नजरबन्द गरेर सुरेन्द्रलाई राजा घाेषित गरे । अाफू सर्वशक्तिमान भई नेपालको शासन चलाए ।
४.राजपरिवारसँग वैवाहिक सम्बन्ध
जङ्गबहादुर अाफूले पनि फत्तेजङ शाहकी बहिनीसँग विवाह गरे । राजा सुरेन्द्रकाे विवाह आफ्नो भाई कृष्णबहादुरकाे छाेरीसँग गराए । अाफ्नाे दुई छाेरा जगतजङ र जीतजङकाे विवाह राजा सुरेन्द्रकी छाेरीसँग गराए । पछि गएर उनका दुई छाेरीहरुकाे विवाह पनि युवराज त्रैलाेक्यसँग भयाे । यस्ताे वैवाहिक सम्बन्धले गर्दा उनकाे सामाजिक प्रतिष्ठा बढ्नुका साथै अझ शक्तिशाली भए ।
५.वि.सं. १९१३ साउन २४ काे लालमाेहर
वि.सं. १८५६ राजा सुरेन्द्रले जङ्गबहादरलाई कास्की र लमजुङको श्री ३ महाराजकाे पदवी दिएपछि जङ्गबहादुरकाे शक्ति सर्वाेच्च स्थानमा पुग्याे र राणाहरुकाे शासनको जग बस्याे । उनले हत्या, षड्यन्त्र र रक्तपातले क्षीण बनाएको नेपाललाई शक्ति र स्थायित्व प्रदान गरि एकतन्त्रीय शासनको सुरुवान गरे ।
जङ्गबहादुर राणा 

राणाशासन पतनका कारणहरु

१. पारिवारिक सङ्घर्ष
जङ्गबहादुकै समयमा पनि उनलाई सत्ताच्युत गर्ने धेरै प्रयासहरु भए तर सफल हुन सकेनन् । उनकाे मृत्युपछि भएको १९३८ साल १९४२ सालका पर्वहरुमा उनका भाइका छाेराहरुले जङ्गबहादुरका सन्तानहरु सबैलाई खतम गरि प्रधानमन्त्रीकाे नयाँ राेलक्रम तयार गरे जसमा धीरशमशेरका छाेराहरु शक्तिशाली भए ।
२.सी क्लासका राणाहरुकाे निष्कासन
चन्द्रशमशेरले राणा परिवारमा ए, बी र सीकाे वर्गीकरण गरि राणा परिवारमा वैमनस्यकाे अर्को बिज राेपे । जुद्धशमशेरले सी क्लासका राणाहरुलाई प्रधानमन्त्रीकाे राेलक्रमबाट हटाई देशनिकाला गरे जसले गर्दा सी क्लासका निष्कािसित राणाहरु राणाशासन विराेधी भए ।
३. राणाविराेधी अान्दोलन
जङ्गबहादुरकाे समयमा राणाहरुकाे एकतन्त्रीय निरङ्कुश शासनकाे विराेध नै सुरु भएको थियाे । प्रथम विश्वयुद्धपछि असगङ्ठित रुपमा विद्रोहका अावजहरु उठेकाे थियो तर चन्द्रशमशेरले दबाए । मकै पर्व, अार्य समाज अादिका रुपमा देखिएका विद्रोही अावाज चन्द्रशमशेरले नै दबाएका थिए । वि.सं. १९८७ पछि चर्खाप्रचार अभियान, प्रचण्ड गाेरखा, महावीर स्कुल, पुस्तकालय पर्व, प्रजापरिषद, जयतु संस्कृतम् अादि सङ्गठित अान्दाेलनकाे क्रम सुरु भयाे ।
४.राजा त्रिभुवनकाे गद्दी त्याग र सशस्त्र संर्घष
वि.सं.२००७ कात्तिकमा राजा त्रिभुवनले नारायणहिटी दरबार त्याग गरी भारतमा शरण लिन गएपछि राणा विराेधी अान्दोलन चरम सीमामा पुग्यो र वि.सं. २००७ सालमा फागुन ७ गते प्रजातन्त्रको घाेषणा भएपछि राणाशासन अन्त भयाे ।
राजा सुरेन्द्र शाह
English Translation:-

Rise of Rana rule

1. Unstable politics of Nepal
After the death of Prithvinarayan Shah, his son Pratap Singh Shah became the king but he died after ruling for 2 years and 9 months and his son Ran Bahadur Shah became the king at the age of three. After this, unstable politics started in Nepal.
2. A series of murders
After the assassination of Mathwar Singh Thapa, Fateh Jang Chaitaria became the Prime Minister, but Gagan Singh, the beloved character of Rani Rajyalakshmi, was influential in the court. After the sudden assassination of Gagan Singh on the night of 31st bhadra 1903, most of the Bhardars who had gathered in Kait on the same night to find his killer were killed. This is called Kateparva.
3. Three festivals
First of all, there was a festival. From this, Jung Bahadur became the Prime Minister and Chief of Army Staff of Nepal. After this the  Bhandar Khal festival was held on  kartik 3, 1903 B.S. From this festival, Jung Bahadur deported King Rajendra Rani Rajyalakshmi. From the ensuing Alai festival, Jung Bahadur arrested King Rajendra on the charge of acting against the throne and proclaimed Surendra king. He ruled Nepal as Almighty.
4. Marital relationship with the royal family

Jung Bahadur himself also married the sister of Fateh Jang Shah. King Surendra married his brother Krishna Bahadur's daughter. He got his two sons Jagat Jung and Jit Jung married to King Surendra's daughter. Later, his two daughters also got married to Yuvaraj Trailakya. Due to such marital relations, her social prestige increased and she became more powerful.
5.Sharwan 24, 1913 BS  Lalmaher
V.S. After King Surendra conferred the title of Shri 3 Maharaj of Kaski and Lamjung on King Surendra in 1856, Jung Bahadur's power reached its highest point and laid the foundation of the Rana rule. He ushered in an autocratic rule by giving strength and stability to Nepal, which had been weakened by murder, conspiracy and bloodshed.

Reasons for the fall of the Rana regime

1. Family conflict
Even during the reign of Jung Bahadur, many attempts were made to overthrow him but they were not successful. After his death, in the festivals of 1938 and 1942, his brother's sons wiped out all the children of Jung Bahadur and prepared a new line of prime ministers in which Dhir Shamsher's sons became powerful.
2. Expulsion of C class Rana
Chandrashamsher classified A, B and C in the Rana family and planted another seed of animosity in the Rana family. Juddhashamsher deported the C-class ranas from the PM's post, which led to the expulsion of the C-class ranas against the Rana rule.
3. Anti-Rana movement
During the reign of Jung Bahadur, the opposition to the autocratic rule of the Rana dynasty had begun. Voices of unorganized rebellion were raised after the First World War, but Chandrashamsher suppressed them. Chandrashamsher was the one who suppressed the rebellious voice of Maize Festival, Arya Samaj etc. After 1987 BS, organized movements like Charkha Prachar Abhiyan, Prachanda Gaerkha, Mahavir School, Library Festival, Praja Parishad, Jayatu Sanskritam etc. started.
4. King Tribhuvan's abdication and armed struggle
After King Tribhuvan left the Narayanhiti court and took refuge in India in kartik 2007 B.S,the anti-Rana movement reached its climax. The Rana regime came to an end after the proclamation of democracy on falgun 7, 2007.
written by K.S.G

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Topics of the National Governmen(राष्ट्रिय सराेकारका विषय )

May 27, 2020 0
Topics of the National Governmen(राष्ट्रिय सराेकारका विषय )

राष्ट्रिय सराेकारका विषय

नेपाल एक सार्वभौमसत्ता सम्पन्न मुलुक हाे ।नेपालको राष्ट्रिय अखण्डता, सीमा सुरक्षा, सीमा अतिक्रमण सार्वभौमसत्ता, अात्मसम्मान र स्वाभिमानकाे भावना समाजमा जागृत गराउनु अाजकाे अावश्यकता भएको छ ।
(क)राष्ट्रिय अखण्डता
नेपाल एक स्वतन्त्र, अविभाज्य, सार्वभौमसत्ता सम्पन्न, धर्म निरपेक्ष, समावेशी र पूर्ण लाेकतान्त्रिक राज्य हाे । नेपालीको राष्ट्रिय अखण्डता र स्वतन्त्रता जाेगाउन सबैले प्रयास गर्नुपर्छ । कुनै पनि मुलुक टुक्रियाे भने त्यसकाे अस्तित्व समाप्त हुन्छ । सबै जाति, भाषा, धर्म, संस्कृतिकाे संरक्षण र संवर्द्धन गरि सबैलाई समान अधिकार राज्यले प्रदान गर्नुपर्छ । यसबाट राष्ट्र विखण्डन हुन पाउँदैन । राज्यले कसैलाई काखा र कसैलाई पाखा गर्‍यो भने विभिन्न जाति, वर्ग, सम्प्रदायबीच असन्तुष्टि पैदा भई विद्रोह हुन्छ । यसले राज्यलाई टुक्रयाउन सक्छ ।
राष्ट्र निर्माता 
त्यसैले राज्यले सबै जातजाति, भाषाभाषी, लिङ्ग, वर्ग, क्षेत्रलाई समानुपातिक ढङ्गले हेरी त्यसको विकास र उत्थानका लागि प्राथमिकता दिनुपर्छ । राज्यको मूल प्रवाहमा सबैलाई समेट्न सक्नुपर्छ । सबैका जायज र न्यायिक मागहरू राज्यको स्राेत र साधनले भ्याएसम्म पूरा गर्नुपर्छ। त्यसैगरी स्रोत र साधनको समुचित वितरणकाे कानुनी व्यवस्था मिलाई कार्यान्वयन गर्नुपर्छ । यति गर्दागर्दै पनि कसैले देश  टुक्रयाउन खाेज्याे भने सबै मिली त्यस समस्याको समाधान गर्नुपर्छ र अावश्यक कानुनी कारवाही पनि गर्नुपर्छ । देश रहे मात्र हामी नेपाली भएर रहन पाउँछौं । त्यसैले याे देश हामी सबैको साझा कर्मभूमि हाे । यसको रक्षा गर्नु नै हामी सबैको कर्तव्य हाे ।
(ख)सीमा सुरक्षा / सीमा अतिक्रमण
खुला सिमानाका कारण दक्षिणतिरबाट नेपालमा कामका लागि मानिसहरु बर्सेनि अाउने गर्छन् । नेपाली श्रम बजारमा दक्ष तथा अर्धदक्ष श्रमिक भारतबाट अाउने गरेका छन् भने खुला सिमानाका कारण अापराधिक गतिविधिहरु पनि दिनानुदिन बढ्दै छन् । यसका लागि नेपालले सीमा सुरक्षाका लागि कदम चाल्नुपर्ने देखिन्छ । सरकारले त्यसका लागि दसगजा क्षेत्रहरुमा सीमा सुरक्षा बल तैनाथ गर्नुपर्छ । दुवै देशका सीमा सुरक्षा बलले संयुक्त रुपमा कार्य गर्न सकेमा अपराधिक गतिविधि नियन्त्रण गर्न सकिने छ ।
भारतकाे विस्तारवाद माथि धाव
नेपालका केही स्थानमा सीमा विवादका कुराहरू पनि उठेका छन् । पञ्चशीलकाे सिद्धान्तका अाधारमा दुवै देशले समस्याहरूको समाधान गर्नुपर्छ । यसका लागि सरकारलाई दवाव दिन सबैतिरबाट विशेष अावज उठाउनुपर्छ । नेपाल र नेपालीकाे राष्ट्रियता माथि कसैले धावा बाेलेमा त्यसका विरुद्धमा सङगठित भई बेलैमा हामी हाम्रो हितमा अग्रहसर हुनुपर्छ । त्यसैगरी जनअावजमा उठाउनु पनि जरुरी छ । राष्ट्रियताकाे भावना कमजोर भएमा देशका सीमाहरु मिचिन सक्छन् । राष्ट्र रहेन भने हामी नेपाली भएर बाँच्न पाउँदैनाैं । त्यसैले सबैमा राष्ट्रियताको भावना जगाई सीमा सुरक्षा बलियो बनाउनुपर्छ । सरकारले त्यसका लागि पनि कुटनीतिक पहल गरि समस्याको समधान गर्नु जरुरी छ ।
(ग)अात्मसम्मान/ स्वभिमान
नेपाल संयुक्त राष्ट्र संधकाे सदस्य राष्ट्र हाे । नेपालीहरुले अङ्ग्रेजहरु र खासगरी साम्राज्यवादीहरुसँग नझुकी अाफ्नाे बहादुरी देखाएका छन् । भीमसेन थापा  साम्राज्यवादीका कट्टर विराेधि थिए । उनले साम्राज्यवादका विरुद्धमा अावज उठाएका थिए । नेपालीहरु स्भावैले पनि अात्मसम्मान चाहान्छन । त्यसका लागि कसैको प्रलोभनमा फस्दैनन् । याे हाम्रो गाैरवमय इतिहास भइसकेको छ । नालापानीकाे युद्धमा बलभद्र कुँवरले देखाएको वीरता, मलाउँकाे किल्लामा भक्ति थापाले देखाएको वीरता र अमरसिंह थापालगायत अन्य नेपाली वीर वीराङ्गाले देखाएको वीरताबाट नेपालीहरुमा अात्मसम्मानकाे भावना उच्च रहेको प्रस्ट हुन्छ । अात्मसम्मान र स्वाभिमान नेपालीहरुकाे गाैरव हाे । विदेशीहरुले नेपाली वीरतापूर्वक विभिन्न किसिमका प्रलोभनहरु देखाउँदा पनि त्यस्ता प्रलोभनकाे वास्ता नगरी साम्राज्यवादीहरुसँग वीरतापूर्वक लडेकाे इतिहास हाम्रो सामु छ । हामीले यसबाट के सिक्नुपर्छ भने नेपालीहरु स्वाभिमानी हुनुपर्छ । हामी कसैको प्रलोभनमा फस्नुहुँदैन । राष्ट्रका लागि अाफ्नाे बलिदान दिन तयार हुनुपर्छ । हामी कसैको सामु झुक्नुहुँदैन । हाम्रो पुर्खाकाे वीरतालाई हामीले सम्मान गरी साेहिअनुसार अाचरण देखाउनुपर्छ । यसमा नै हाम्रो महानता छ । नेपाललाई बचाइराख्नु हामी सबैकाे कर्तव्य हाे ।
English Translation:-

Topics of the National Government

Nepal is a sovereign country. It has become necessary today to awaken the spirit of national integrity, border security, border crossing, sovereignty, self-respect and self-respect in the society.
(A) National Integrity
Nepal is an independent, indivisible, sovereign, secular, inclusive and fully democratic state. Everyone should make efforts to awaken the national integrity and independence of Nepalis. If any country breaks up, its existence will end. The state should provide equal rights to all by protecting and promoting all castes, languages, religions and cultures. This will not lead to the disintegration of the nation. If the state sidelines some and sidelines others, dissatisfaction will arise among different castes, classes and communities and rebellion will take place. It can tear the state apart. Therefore, the state should give priority to the development and upliftment of all castes, languages, genders, classes and regions in a proportionate manner. We should be able to include everyone in the mainstream of the state. The legitimate and judicial demands of all should be met to the best of the resources of the state. Similarly, legal arrangements for proper distribution of resources should be made and implemented. Even so, if someone tries to divide the country, all should work together to solve the problem and take necessary legal action. As long as there is a country, we can remain Nepali. Therefore, this country is the common ground of all of us. It is the duty of all of us to protect it.
(B) Border Security / Border Encroachment
Due to the open border, people from the south come to Nepal every year for work. In the Nepali labor market, skilled and semi-skilled workers are coming from India and criminal activities are also increasing day by day due to open borders. For this, Nepal needs to take steps for border security. For that, the government should deploy border security forces in tens of thousands of areas. If the border security forces of both the countries can work together, criminal activities can be controlled.
Border disputes have also been raised in some parts of Nepal. Both countries should solve problems on the basis of the Panchsheel principle. For this, special voices should be raised from all quarters to put pressure on the government. If anyone attacks Nepal and the nationality of Nepalis, we must unite against it and take the lead in our interest. It is also important to raise the issue in public. If the feeling of nationalism is weakened, the borders of the country may be crossed. If there is no nation, we will not be able to live as Nepalis. Therefore, border security should be strengthened by instilling a sense of nationalism in all. It is necessary for the government to solve the problem through diplomatic initiatives.
(C) Self-esteem / self-esteem
Nepal is a member state of the United Nations. Nepalis have shown their bravery without understanding the British and especially the imperialists. Bhimsen Thapa was a staunch opponent of the imperialists. He raised his voice against imperialism. Nepalis naturally want self-respect. They do not succumb to temptation. This is our unfortunate history. The heroism shown by Balbhadra Kunwar in the battle of Nalapani, the heroism shown by Bhakti Thapa in the fort of Malaun and the heroism shown by other Nepali heroes including Amar Singh Thapal show that the sense of self-respect is high among Nepalis. Self-esteem and self-esteem are lacking in Nepalis. We have a history of bravely fighting the imperialists regardless of the various temptations shown to us by foreigners. What we need to learn from this is that Nepalis should be self-respecting. We should not be tempted by anyone. We must be ready to make our sacrifices for the nation. We should not bow down to anyone. We should respect the heroism of our ancestors and behave accordingly. This is our greatness. It is the duty of all of us to save Nepal.
written by K.S.G

Thursday, 21 May 2020

नेपाल अङ्ग्रेज युद्धका तत्कालीन कारणहरु (The immediate causes of the Nepal-British war)

May 21, 2020 0
नेपाल अङ्ग्रेज युद्धका तत्कालीन कारणहरु (The immediate causes of the Nepal-British war)
नेपाल अङ्ग्रेज युद्धका तत्कालीन कारणहरु
नेपाल अङ्ग्रेज युद्धकाे तत्कालीन कारण बुटवल र स्युराजकाे विवाद थियो । बुटवल र स्युराज पाल्पाका राजाले अवधका नबाबसँग मालपोत बुझउने गरी लिएका थिए । एकीकरणको सिलसिलामा पाल्पामाथि विजय प्राप्त गरेपछि बुटवल र स्युराज पनि नेपाले नियन्त्रणमा अायाे तर ब्रिटिसले यी स्थानमा अाफ्नाे अधिकार रहने माग गरि ब्रिटिस गर्भनर जनरल माक्र्विस अफ(Marquis Of Hastings) ले बुटवल र स्युराज तुरुन्त खाली गर्न नेपाल सरकारलाई धम्कीपूर्ण पत्र पठाए तर स्वाभिमान भीमसेन थापा उनको धम्कीबाट डराएनन् । नेपाले बुटवल र स्युराज नछाड्ने निश्चय गर्‍यो । यसर्थ इ.सं. १८१४ मा हेस्टिङ्गसले नेपालविरुद्ध युद्धकाे घाेषणा गरे।
नेपाल अङ्ग्रेज युद्ध दुई वर्षसम्म चल्याे । नेपालली वीर सपूतहरुले बडो वीरतापूर्वक लडे तापनि शक्तिशाली अङ्ग्रेजकाे अगाडि नेपालको केही लागेन । भीमसेन थापाले भारतीय राज्यहरु पन्जाब, ग्वालियर र मराठबाट अङ्ग्रेजकाे विरुद्ध सहयोग प्राप्त गर्ने अाशा गरेका थिए तर ती राज्यहरुले नेपाललाई कुनै सहयोग गरेनन् । अनन्त: इ.सं. १८१६ मा नेपालले बाध्य भएर अङ्ग्रेजसँग सुगाैलिकाे सन्धिमा गर्नुपर्‍यो । यसका परिमाणहरु निम्नानुसार छन:
१. अपमानजनक सुगौली सन्धिमा हस्ताक्षर गर्नु परेको
२. नेपालले कुमाउँ, गढवाल, नैनीताल तथा दार्जिलिङजस्ता ठन्डा तथा दर्शनीय स्थलसहित कुल भूमिकाे तीन खण्डको एक इस्ट इन्डिया कम्पनीलाई बुझाउनुपरेकाे र नेपालकाे भूभाग विस्तार ठप्प भएको
३. भारतस्थित गभर्नर जनरलहरुले नेपालकाे अान्तरिक मामलामा हस्तक्षेप गर्नुहुँदैन भन्दाभन्दै पनि नेपालमा राजदूतावास खालि यहाँकाे अान्तरिक मामलामा बारम्बार हस्तक्षेप गर्ने गरेकाे
४.नेपाल दरबारमा षड्यन्त्र प्रारम्भ भएको
५. नेपालीहरुकाे वीरतालाई अाफ्नाे साम्राज्य विस्तार गर्ने लैजाने नीति लिएको

English Translation:-
The immediate causes of the Nepal-British war
The immediate cause of the Nepal-British war was the dispute between Butwal and Suraj. The kings of Butwal and Suraj Palpa had agreed to pay the land tax to the Nawab of Awadh. After the conquest of Palpa, Butwal and Swaraj also came under Nepal's control, but the British Governor General Marquis of Hastings sent a threatening letter to the Nepalese government to evacuate Butwal and Swaraj immediately, but Swabhiman Bhimsen Thapa refused. They were not afraid. Nepal decided not to leave Butwal and Suraj. Therefore In 1814, Hastings declared war on Nepal.
The Nepal-British war lasted for two years. Even though the Nepali heroic grandsons fought valiantly, Nepal did not feel anything in front of the powerful British. Bhimsen Thapa had hoped to get support from the Indian states of Punjab, Gwalior and Marath against the British, but those states did not help Nepal. Infinity: AD In 1816, Nepal was forced to sign the Treaty of Sugalika with the British. Its dimensions are as follows:
1. The insulting Sugauli Treaty had to be signed
2. Nepal had to hand over a total of three parts, including cold and scenic spots like Kumaon, Garhwal, Nainital and Darjeeling, to an East India Company and the expansion of Nepal's territory came to a standstill.
3. The Governor-General of India has repeatedly said that the embassy in Nepal should only interfere in the internal affairs of Nepal, rather than interfering in the internal affairs of Nepal.
4. Conspiracy started in Nepal Durbar
5. He has taken the policy of taking the heroism of Nepalis to expand his empire
written by K.S.G

Monday, 11 May 2020

The Delhi Accord and the end of the 2007 movement (दिल्ली सम्झौता र २००७ सालकाे अान्दोलन अन्त्य परिवर्तन )

May 11, 2020 1
The Delhi Accord and the end of the 2007 movement (दिल्ली सम्झौता र २००७ सालकाे अान्दोलन अन्त्य  परिवर्तन )
यो सम्झौताअनुसार एउटा अन्तरिम सरकारकाे गठन हुने भयो, जसमा पाँच जना राणा पक्ष
र पाँचजना नेपाल काङ्ग्रेस पक्षका मन्त्री रहने भए  । यसपछि त्रिभुवन नेपाल फर्के । वि.सं २००७ फागुन ७ गते ( तदनुसार १८ फ्रेवुअरी १९५१) राजा त्रिभुवनले नेपालमा राणाशासन समाप्त भएको र प्रजातन्त्रको स्थापना भएको घाेषण गरे ।
दिल्ली सम्झौताका पाँचअाेटा मुख्य बुँदाहरु:-
(क) अब उप्रान्त जनताले निर्वाचन गरेकाे वैधानिक सभाले गणतन्त्रात्मक विधान तर्जुमा गर्ने
(ख) नयाँ विधान निर्माण नहुन्जेलसम्म दैनिक प्रशान सञ्चालन गर्न अन्तरिम मन्त्रीमण्डल गठन गरिने जसमा पाँचजना राणतर्फबाट र पाँचजना नेपाली काङ्ग्रेसतर्फबाट मन्त्री रहने
(ग) नेपालीको वैधानिक राजा त्रिभुवन नै हुने
(घ)फाैजदारी अभियाेग लागेका बाहेक अरु राजबन्दी रिहा हुने ,
(ङ) आन्दोलनकारीहरुले सरकारलाई आफ्ना हतियारहरु बुझाउनुपर्ने र अान्दोलन राेक्नुपर्ने ।
याे सम्झौतापछि नेपाली काङ्ग्रेसले अान्दोलन राेक्ने सहमति जनायो । यसपछि नेपाल चलेकाेे सशस्त्र सङ्घर्ष राेकियाे ।

English Translation 
According to the agreement, an interim government would be formed, with five Rana factions
And five ministers from the Nepali Congress side. After this, Tribhuvan returned to Nepal. On February 7, 2007 (accordingly, February 18, 1951), King Tribhuvan declared the end of Rana rule and the establishment of democracy in Nepal.
Five key points of the Delhi Agreement: -
(A) From now on, the legislative assembly elected by the people will formulate the republican constitution
(B) Until the new constitution is enacted, an interim cabinet will be formed to run the day-to-day administration with five ministers from the Rana and five from the Nepali Congress.
(C) Tribhuvan will be the legitimate king of Nepal
(D) release political prisoners other than those charged with criminal offenses,
(E) The agitators should hand over their weapons to the government and stop the agitation.
After this agreement, the Nepali Congress agreed to stop the movement. After this, the armed struggle in Nepal was stopped.
Written By K.S.G

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Some Poltical Crisis in Nepal and that effect in development

May 10, 2020 0
Some Poltical Crisis in Nepal and that effect in development
Poltical Crisis in Nepal 
Today, Nepal entered into new era. It is a republican country. There are many political parties. The major parties are the Nepal Congress, the nepal congress party,the CPAUML,the UNCP Maoist, the Rastriya Prahatantra Party and the Madheshi Forum.

There are many problems in Nepal today. Poltical crisis is the main problem. Two constitution assembly elections were  held. Nepal got the constitution for New Nepal in 2072. However the Madhesi parties were not happy. They started a new movement. They sealed the border. As a result, there was shortage of fule, gase and daily needs. India also imposed blocade. This brought many problems in Nepal. All the industries were closed. There was a big international concern for humanitarian crisis.
Nepal leaders seem to be immature. They aren't serious about the formation of New Nepal. They are playing a dirty game. Each party is crazy about leading the government. The main leaders are fighting for chairs. They are worried about their posts.  There is no rule of law. There is corruption. Development is the comma. There is unemployment. There is no peace.
Nepal is facing many problems. It urgently needs to have political stability. There are hundreds of political parties in Nepal. They must come to consensus. They must be focused on the agendas of people. Firstly, we need implement the new long term development program.

Written By K.S.G

Federalism in Nepal(नेपालमा संघियता)

May 10, 2020 0
Federalism in Nepal(नेपालमा संघियता)
                Federalism in Nepal 
    Federalism refers to the division of a nation into various autonomous states so as bring proprotional development empower local people ensure the place of minorities back word and disadvantageous group in the main stream of development and make state provided amenities equally accessible to all. The idea of  federalism emerge in Nepal after the historic success of popular man movement 2072/073 due to the failure of regionalism to bring about desired changes.

under federalism a nation has dual government system i.e. federal government at Central level and provincial government at  state level. The power distributed between Central and provincial governments. The federal government has the power to enlarge diplomatic relationship ensure territorial integrity run national level project, make national monetary policy and so on similarly,state government has the power to make federal laws maintain law and order in the state carry on day  to day administration prioritize infrastructure development and so on.

Nepal is a small mountainous country  with geographical diversity. It has ample resource the trun itself into a paradise on the earth. However it is on the list of the least developed nations. Realizing the fact that unitary system failed to bring substantial changes, the concept of federalism emerged and has been on the way to implementation with the declaration 2072 constitution and division of Nepal into seven federal provinces. It is obvious the implementation of federalism has the mounatin of challenges ahead. Federalism is not a magic stick to bring about most awaited changes.

We should not forgot the fact that federalism can be very expansive to run for the small country like Nepal it can be create intra and inter racial conflicts; it can fargment the nation if percaution are not taken. Hence we need to be wise enough to use thw best modality of federalism ensure the wider publics participation ensure fillers use of our resource and balanced development of the nation.

Nepali Translation
नेपालमा संघीयता
        संघीयताले राष्ट्रलाई विभिन्न स्वायत्त राज्यहरुमा विभाजन गर्ने जनाउँदछ ताकि स्थानीय विकासलाई सशक्त बनाएर स्थानीय जनताले अल्पसंख्यकहरुको पिछडिएको कुरालाई सुनिश्चित गर्नुका साथै विकासको मूलधारमा पिछडिएका समूहलाई राज्यको सुविधा प्रदान गर्न र सबैलाई समान सुविधा पुर्‍याउने व्यवस्था मिलाइनेछ। २०७२/७३को लोकप्रिय जन आन्दोलनको ऐतिहासिक सफलतापछि संघीयताको धारणा नेपालमा आउँदछ जुन क्षेत्रीयताले अपेक्षित परिवर्तन ल्याउन सकेन।
        संघीयताअन्तर्गत कुनै देशको दोहोरो सरकार प्रणाली हुन्छ अर्थात् केन्द्रीय स्तरमा संघीय सरकार र राज्य स्तरमा प्रान्तीय सरकार। केन्द्र र प्रान्तीय सरकारहरु बीच वितरित शक्ति। संघीय सरकारको कूटनीतिक सम्बन्ध विस्तार गर्ने अधिकार छ क्षेत्रीय अखण्डताले राष्ट्रिय स्तरको आयोजना सञ्चालन गर्ने, राष्ट्रिय मौद्रिक नीति बनाउने र त्यस्तै गरी राज्यको कानून व्यवस्था सुव्यवस्था कायम गर्न राज्य सरकारको अधिकार छ दिनको प्रशासनलाई प्राथमिकतामा राख्ने। पूर्वाधार विकास र यस्तै।
                                        Written By K.S.G