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Showing posts with label Computer Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Computer Science. Show all posts

Friday, 15 May 2020

Some Technical Terms Abbreviations

May 15, 2020 0
Some Technical Terms Abbreviations

  1. ABC=Antanasoff Berry Computer
  2. ALU=Arithmetic and Logic Unit
  3. ARPA=American Research Agency
  4. AT=Advance Technology
  5. ATM=Automated Teller Machine
  6. BASIC=Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
  7. BIT=Binary Digit
  8. CAD=Computer Aided Design
  9. CAI=Computer Aided Instruction
  10. CAL=Computer Aided Learning
  11. CD-ROM=Compact Disk Read Only Memory
  12. CD-RW=Compact Disk Read and Write
  13. COBAL=Common Business Oriented Language
  14. CPU=Central Processing Unit 
  15. CU=Control Unit 
  16. CUI=Characters User Interface 
  17. DVD-RW=Digital Versatile Disk Read Only 
  18. EPROM= Erasable Programable Read Only Memory 
  19. EEPROM=Electrically and Erasable Programable ROM
  20. FTP=File Transfer Protocol 
  21. GB=Gigs Byte
  22. GUI=Graphical User Interface 
  23. HTTP=Hypertext Transfer Protocol 
  24. IBM=International Business Machine 
  25. IC=Integrated Circuit 
  26. ISP=Internet Service Providers 
  27. IPO=Input Process Output 
  28. IT=Information Technology 
  29. KB=Kilo Bytes
  30. LAN=Local Area Network 
  31. LCD=Liquid Crystal Display 
  32. MAN=Metropolitan Area Network 
  33. MICR=Magnetic Ink Character Recognition 
  34. MODEM=Modulater and Demodulatre
  35. MS DOS=Microsoft Disk Operating System 
  36. MS Paint=Microsoft Paint
  37. MS Word=Microsoft Word
  38. MS Window=Microsoft Windows 
  39. MU=Memory Unit
  40. NOS=Network Operating System 
  41. OS=Operating System 
  42. OCR=Optical Character Reader
  43. OMR=Optical Mark Reader
  44. PC=Personal Computer 
  45. Pixel=Picture Element
  46. PROM=Programmable Read Only Memory 
  47. RAM=Random Access Memory
  48. SSDD=Single Sided Double Density 
  49. SSHD =Single Sided High Density 
  50. TCP/IP=Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol 
  51. TPC=Twisted Pair Cable 
  52. UPS=Uninterruptible Power Supply 
  53. USB=Universal Serial Bus
  54. VDU=Video Display Unit
  55. WAN=World Area Network 
  56. WWW=World Wide Website 
  57. XT=Extended Technology written by K.S.G